I haven't been very productive today. Since this is sort of a Sabbath week of reflection and prayer, by "productive" I mean that I barely cracked a book and although I did make it into the prayer room, I fell asleep thirty minutes in. I wonder if there is such a thing as "sleeping in the spirit."
I did play Pretty Pretty Princess with Sadie, though and I helped her practice the play she's performing tomorrow [Goldilocks and the Three Bears [She's Mama Bear [which, I think, is very fitting]]].
Just now, I was pleasantly surprised by a sudden surge of bloggerific motivation. That is all fine and good. But sadly my husband just arrived and is now forced to play Rock Band all by his lonesome whilst I get this stuff out of my head.
What have I done today? I'm embarrassed. Food and Facebook. I started a weight loss group.
Yes, that's right folks, I'm at it again. I have to be. I'm quite unhappy with the weight I've allowed myself to put on since I got married.
There are 5 members in the group so far. (: I'm quite giddy about it.
Alright, back to the prayerful essentials. I was pondering earlier today that I may have learned some things from this week. I thought it would be fun to make an impromptu list and see what comes up
Here goes nothing.
This week I have learned:
- Sleeping on thincarpet-covered concrete is not as bad as one would think if you're laying beside the man you love
- Less is more [when it comes to decorating the prayer room] and if I follow that principle in my own home there may be hope for my chaos yet
- I am blessed with a daughter and a husband that don't complain at all when it comes to sleeping on concrete [sadly, the same cannot be said for their mom/wife]
- I love it when people cry [after they leave the prayer room [I'm not a brute [can you use the term "brute" to describe a woman?]]]
- Praying for an hour a day [at least in this context] is wonderfully easy to do
- I eat too much when I'm by myself and have a lot of time on my hands [ahem, well, I suppose I already knew that]
- I am capable of keeping someplace [in this case, the church] fairly clean from day to day [of course, my to-do list is extremely minimal]
- Stouffer's lasagna takes 2 1/2 bloody hours to cook
- People are much more accepting of a dog living at a church for a week than one might think
- I love to pray while Jermaine plays guitar
- I need to learn balance [especially when it comes to money and food]
- This week I experienced God making a specific crooked path I was meandering on straight [and it felt so good]
- What's been on my heart [like the fact that I would really like to experience pure joy from God [and though I think I might have before I can't recall it clearly]]
- Sometimes it's just really good to forget about your to-do list and sit and talk with your Creator
- People that I thought would be all over this haven't been and those whom I never would have guessed are diving in and finding God
- I need to pray more about the little things, like my desire to write [and be published], Jermaine and his band, Sadie, and all the other day to day stuff [I put in on my do to list and stress out about it but never actually get around to talking to God]
- Our galaxy is ridiculously huge [at 35,000 miles per hour it would take us 10,000 years to reach the end of it] and it's one of many!
- That last bit of information doesn't make me feel as small as I believe it should