Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Just now a friend on facebook shared a beautiful story of a beautiful Sparrow. I feel humbled and grateful and oh so flushed with joy. Sparrow's Daddy appears to be a musician. The week she was born he decided to give all of his music away for free. I am listening to Mark Mathis (Secret In This Town) as I type this. It's so good that I wanted to share it with you.

Sharing each other's intense joys and helping each other carry heavy burdens - those are such precious and holy parts of being human. It makes me feel so alive.

My most favorite mug in the Walker house. :)
We went over to Pamela's yesterday to help her move furniture. She fed us steak. It was fabulous!
We were in DC this evening at a fun mixer. This is my attempt to capture the quintessential DC feel.
This is Jermaine kindly allowing me to force him to smile for yet another picture. We're at the metro. I was hoping the background would turn out cooler than it did.
I planned our first week of homeschool today! We're starting out right with a field trip to the library. And I bought Sadie's first workbooks at Borders today! Totally geeking out.

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. My first day at my new job went really well. I'm excited. I sort of feel like I've got something to prove. To who, I'm not sure. Myself, maybe. But I'm super focused on being the best waitress I can be.

I go to Gloucester 14 days from tomorrow! And we leave for Forks the day after that! I can't wait to start packing.

I've decided I want to read through all the Twilight books again before I go. A lofty goal, for sure. Especially considering I'm halfway through HP 5 at the moment. I've been rereading them, and I don't think I could possibly start Twilight until I finish the HP series. I'll keep you updated on my progress. I'm not too concerned about actually getting through all the books. I just think it's a fun goal to have.

Seriously though, I should probably go read! G'night! 

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Okay, first that mug almost made me cry. I love love love the D.C picture. I thought it looked very cityish before I read the caption. Yay for workbooks, if you get here in time we'll go to Ollie's there are TONS there for cheap, good ones too. If you have any Twilight questions, you know I'll have the answers :) You should read the beginning of Twilight at least, the descriptions of Forks!!!!! (2 weeks!!!!!!!!) Also Pamela looks like a beauty queen in that shot!!!